Monday, April 30, 2012

Chronicle (2012)

Chronicle (2012)

Review: "Chronicle", for starter I didn't understand the name why they chose that name for this movie, they could call it Guy With Powers, or Friends Power just an idea.
The first thing that I really loved about the movie was that the used a different way to shoot the movie they call it "found footage", it reminds me of the great Cloverfield, Blair Witch Project, Paranormal Activity and many others, this kind of filmmaking is growing because it's less expensive and easier to make.
The movie gives us great scenarios from Seattle and the Space Needle with great first person images, that I found absolutely breath taking and if you haven't watch it you really need to.
Chronicle follows the lives of three friends that after an amazing discovery they gained powers and shows us what that changes in their lives.
To finish I just got to say that this movie is really amazing for a low budget one, and I just reminded of another movie with low budget that made success "Skyline", they are make the second one now. Chronicle is also going to have a second movie after the success of this first one and I can't wait for it.
Watch it and leave your comments below....


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